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The Punisher, Season 1 on Netflix

We begin with Frank Castle (Jon Bernthal) playing with his guitar learning the theme song, it sounds like. Learning how to coop with losing his family in a brutal murder by killing everyone involved. Anyone involved in the death of his family, domestic and abroad. The shot he made from a rooftop in Texas to Cozumel, Mexico was insane. Frank wants to stay “dead” to the public and I don’t blame him. His family’s murder was difficult to watch. But he’s coping the best way he work. It’s a reach but he’s staying low and is focused on releasing mentally. Problem is, Frank can’t seem to walk away from helping someone in need. Chivalry is not dead with Frank Castle. Homeboy is a do or die type of friend, literally. With him wanting to leave his past life behind him, an eager beaver young co-worker had to be rescued, not just from fellow coworkers, but the mob. And of course, Frank took care of them all. Welcome back, Punisher.

Which leads us to meeting David aka Micro (Ebon Moss-Bachrach) - the genius with innocent eyes and a big heart who seems to be obsessed with Frank Castle because Frank is his link to freedom. I couldn’t imagine walking away from my family like Micro did, but he had to do what’s best to save all of them. Maybe I would have. Micro tried to play like he was about that life until Frank found his hiding spot and whooped his ass. Lol The look on his face tho.

I enjoyed the brains vs brawn battles between the two and was ready for it to end too after 2 episodes. And boy oh boy, did it. Events turned left and kept right on going. With Frank and Micro going through this journey together, it stayed very entertaining to say the least. Frank was intense in the right places, he reminded me of Spartacus, Season 1 a few times. Then ended up reminding me of Cassius because it’s damn near impossible to kill him.

What I like most about the Punisher is he’s a realistic person with no super powers, no billion dollar back account, no special gadgets and yet he’s our rogue hero as a result of the loss of his family and betrayal of his unit. Punisher could realistically be ANYBODY with the right buttons pushed. “ New York doesn’t forget.”

We also meet Lewis Wilson, the very handsome Curtis, Rawlins, Agent Madani, and pretty face, Billy Russo. The casting director had their work cut out for them.

So, I’m going to just go down the line;

Billy (Ben Barnes)

  • Frank’s best friend and fellow special ops brother. He betrayed Frank and his whole family. Billy was the handsome, head of his own security company who was his own priority. His vanity and greed was the end of him. He had me going. Growing up in foster care, not having a real family. So, he finds his birth mother who gave him up as a baby and keeps her locked up in a mental institution. WOW, talk about never letting go. I wish we knew more about Billy’s story with his birth mother. Like, how did he find her? What made him decide to find her? What lead her to giving him up? What lead Billy to become the monster he grew up to be? I wanted to know WHY he made the choice to turn against Frank, his best friend. There’s got to be more to it. Frank loved him like a brother. Billy mentioned because Frank is

trying to destroy what he built. But how? By existing? Frank wanted the world to believe he was dead which Billy benefits from. Billy wanted to help with him being dead, literally.

We really see Billy has no limit when he killed Sam and then is washing Sam’s blood off of Dinah in her bathtub like a nurturing boyfriend. Savage! But Frank’s family adopted him as their own. And yet, he still conspired against Frank and had his family killed. Cold-blooded, Billy.

Dinah, the Homeland Agent (Amber Rose Revah)

  • She didn’t know what to expect from the Punisher. She should show more appreciation because he saved her life like 15-11 times. She comes off pretty pretentious to be an agent like she had to prove that she’s more than a privileged NY kid. Her loved one was murdered by Frank overseas and then she finds out her lover, Billy is a cold-blooded killer and killed her partner. Her obsession with Frank is annoying. Get over it before he MAKES you get over it 6 ft under.

Curtis (Jason R. Moore)

  • Can this man be anymore handsome? Dedicated and injured vet who brought a necessary calm to the storyline. He really balanced out all the tension between everyone he comes into contact with. And such a pleasure to look at.

Lewis (Daniel Webber)

  • Young soldier severely suffering from PTSD. He was troubling to watch but this young man is one helluva actor.

He brought the storyline we NORMALLY don’t see about soldiers returning home. Why wasn’t HE cast for IronFist? It would’ve been a better outcome because IronFist was so damn disappointing. Daniel Webber would’ve made a great IronFist. He definitely has the chops for it. When he banged his head against the concrete steps when talking to Frank through the windows and he still stayed in the scene, I was like, “okay, somebody follows Leo DiCaprio.” He is very dedicated to his character. He’s a keeper. We have so many military returning from a very hostile environment which has become their norm and yet they STILL have limited resources. I feel there should be more done for them. Much more than what is already available.

I really wanted to see someone succeed in reaching Lewis. So sad to see people who love Lewis like his father and Curtis not be able to reach him in the way he needed. But they tried and didn’t stop trying. We need to see more stories like his so people can understand the depth of their struggle to live daily.

Sarah-Micro’s wife (Jaime Ray Newman)

  • With her pretty hair self. When she finally saw him in the conference room at the Homeland office, I wanted more. Your husband was dead for a whole year and you find out he actually wasn’t. Then dies in front of you within seconds of seeing him again. Those soap opera slaps were corny. Sorry, not sorry.

Sam (Michael Nathanson)

  • Dinah’s partner who got killed once discovering Billy’s true identity. I didn’t see him relevant until he died. Ain’t that something? He reminds me of that annoying co-worker who tries to be funny when he’s not and you still want him on your team because he’s great at what he does. I was hoping he would’ve said Billy’s name to Dinah when he was dying. That’s how I would’ve written it.

Karen Page (Deborah Ann Woll aka Jessica from True Blood)

  • Karen STAYS nagging. MY GOODNESS! Please get Karen a man she can ACTUALLY be with for Christ’s sake. Daredevil don’t want her, Punisher don’t WANT to want her. No break for Karen. Geesh.

Rawlins (Paul Schulze)

  • Castle hit him in his face which permanently damaged his left eye.

That was funny as hell. Sorry, not sorry. But he had it coming. Not just the 1st time, but the 2nd time as well. Ha Ha.

The acting by Frank, Lewis, Micro & Billy were too good for Punisher not to receive 5 stars from me. By episode 5, I was hooked. The New York City love is real!! The Punisher definitely ties with Luke Cage for top picks, followed by Jessica Jones, then Daredevil, anything else, The Defenders and then IronFist which shouldn’t be on any list ever. The acting in IronFist was so damn bad. Compared to the others, you can’t blame budget or editing.

Thanks to the Marvel Gods, the Punisher was released to save the brand. And it’s already renewed for Season 2 on 12/12/17. 25 days after its release date on 11/17/17. Now, please kill off IronFist. Wishful thinking, I know.

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